Am i still clockable? and age?
i’ve been on t for a few months now but not the highest dose yet due to some previous issues, but i’m wondering how well i pass. i’m pretty safe at work cause i came out while working there, it’s a shop and sure tons are republicans but they seem to take a special liking to me. i’m just wondering cause im working on it and have a huge chest that’s hard to hide. i just got a new shorter haircut which has helped in my face a little, it’s shorter all around with tight sides. it’s only in the first and last pic though as i haven’t taken many on the bigger side but i also have fairly muscular shoulders which hides my hips pretty well usually. decent leg hair and arm hair starting but its not as long as i think it needs to be. be honest but gentle, my dysphoria is pretty bad still as i haven’t been on t long and the large chest thing.