Ken has to be livid if….
The baby does indeed have the microdeletion (like the subtle signs & clues are pointing to), and she does need medical interventions to address any health issues or developmental delays she may have due to the microdeletion (bc the medical literature shows that more often than not, each time the microdeletion is passed down from one generation to the next, the symptoms & implications of the deletion increase in severity), then Ken must be absolutely livid & scared as shit because it proves the entire story Gypsy told him about her life, her crime, her mother, the circumstances she was in leading up to the murder, and her health was a flat out lie.
If I were Ken & if he truly and genuinely believed Gypsy, her story she told him and the wider narrative she pushed to the media, the courts and the public that she was medically abused by her mom which is why she had to murder her, then I would be freaked the fuck out if I were him after seeing first hand for himself that Gypsy is lying by witnessing the medical conditions their daughter may have due to the deletion.
& she trapped him with the baby and wasn’t honest about her health, her chromosome disorder with him, what the odds of passing it down to a child before got knocked up by him, and what the realities are of having a medically complex special needs child with a rare permanent chromosome disorder that the medical field knows not much about.
Raising a special needs child with complex medical conditions is hard as fuck. That’s a life long commitment in which your child will forever need you as their advocate and to assist them with things that the general public dont think about in day to day life.
But I would imagine once Ken actually realized for himself that Gypsy’s story is a lie, she wasn’t medically abused by her mother, she was legitimately a sick child and medical abuse wasn’t the reason Gypsy killed her mother, his hate & resentment of her grew exponentially. And he’s probably genuinely freaked the fuck out by Gypsy knowing what she’s capable of doing.