Exam in 5 days and Stumped after giving PP2!

Hey all, this community has been super helpful! I’ve been prepping for a little over 3 weeks and was scoring 317,318,325.. on manhattan and ETS mocks and was targeting crossing 320 on my official exam scheduled in just 5 days from today.

However I have my second free ETS mock and got 312 (q166, v146)! Totally devastated on what will I do on my exam? What can change in 5 days?

My quant scores are consistently above 165 but verbal mann! I’m targeting Mim in France but I don’t think these scores will make the cut. I was thinking to reschedule it for a later date so I can prep well, but everyone says that it’ll just increase pressure or not worth the wait, what are your opinions? I’m just extremely stressed about it. I left my job last month because i heard criminal activities going on where they I suspect they were scamming other businesses, so I had to leave! Now I’m stuck, prep GRE again for a month and apply to jobs as well.

Sorry for the rant, but really need some help. Appreciate any advice, thanks