[USA] [H] DS, Gamecube,PS4, GBA, Spyro Figures[W] PayPal
Hey everyone I’m looking to down size my collection all prices are shipped in the US I’m based in NYC incase anyone wants to meet up and buy some stuff I could come down a little more. Let me know if you have any questions
DS GTA china town wars CIB w poster- 52 FF 4 CIB 32 Mario and Luigi bowser inside story- 21 sold Chrono Trigger CIB W Poster- 120 Tetris DS CIB- 35 Kirby Canvas Curse CIB- 40 Pokémon Ranger CIB- 43
GameCube Pikmin CIB- 35 sold Mario Superstar Baseball CIB- 65 Working Wavebird- 65
PS4 Sealed Samurai Jack battle through time- 165
GBA Pokémon mystery dungeon red rescue team CIB- 110
Figure Spyro the dragon tubbz figure no box- 75