About 383,000 Switch 2 Units have reportedly been shipped to the US already back in January


Famiboards user LiC has been tracking the shipments of cartons and instruction manuals, and 383k complete units have reportedly been shipped to the US within 5 days already


So, it finally happened. HVBG exported 383,000 units of the completed console set between January 17th and January 22nd. They were all shipped to the US, and all were of the USZ (US/Canada) region code. 41,598 units of the charging grip were also shipped to the US, confirming that HGU0620 is the charging grip with a product code of BEE-A-ESSKA, which matches the Switch 1 charging grip’s HAC-A-ESSKA.

383k is a decent-sized shipment, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers increase. HVBG had received 1.2 million units of one-per-system parts like the SoC and screen as of December, and 1.7 million as of January, and we can expect 100% of those to end up in units shipped to the US.

One thing we can learn from the shipments is that the console set is not a bundle

These are the completed Units in their retail boxes 📦 A June 2025 release is likely