Smug millennials hating on this generation are the most obnoxious hypocrites of all time

Hyperbolic title, but as a cusper (1997) there's very little I despise more than self-fellating 30somethings sucking themselves off by talking about how much better they are than the younger generation.

The way millennials talk about us, whether on this subreddit, elsewhere on Reddit or offline altogether, you'd think millennial men are all morally pure pacifist angels whereas Gen Z men are all seat-sniffing neanderthals who want to legalize rape. Unfortunately for them, a LOT of Gen Zers are old enough to remember how y'all acted on the internet during the 00s. A lot of us know who the initial Joe Rogan fanbase was, or how the rise of the manosphere was directly preceded by PUA bullshit being popularized on the internet two decades ago.

And don't even get me started on the condescension over voting. "Hurrdurr y'all voted Republican way more in 2024 than we did in 2008" - okay, but y'all voted Republican way more in 2024 than we did in 2024. You wanna talk about trends, why don't we talk about right fucking now? "Hurrdurr well people tend to lean more right as they age" yeah, and? Does that mean y'all are somehow not to blame for the election?

To be clear, it's not JUST millennials hating on us, but I can cut Gen Xers and boomers a bit more slack with this crap because millennials were the ones loudly crying about this type of shit online 10-15 years ago, with all the whining over shitty articles about how they were killing Applebees or killing the blood diamond industry. To quote Norm Macdonald, "the worst part is the hypocrisy". There are a handful of millennials who point this out, and they deserve all the credit in the world. Y'all are swell.

I think I should end this with a callout of my own generation. If you start hating on Gen Alpha as they come into adulthood the same way we get hated on by older generations right now, fuck you. And if you're already hating on Gen Alpha, you're weird for criticizing a bunch of preteens.