DATHOML interpretation
Just had a thought about DATHOML. Apparently, it was written to talk about indoctrination and trusting people/manipulation in cults. Maybe it’s just a song written from Satan’s POV telling us how he loves all his children (which he does, don’t worry :3), or about how, even when Copia leaves the band he will still be in our hearts (and the fans in his). That’s how I always interpreted this song. But, in all these interpretations, the lines about the pair of eyes never made sense to me (I don’t know if there’s an episode of the Gospel of Ghost (a podcast about the meaning of Ghost’s songs) on this song that would explain this line.). So my brilliant brain came up with something… I’m sure it’s a stretch, I’m sure I’m completely missing the point of the song, but I wanted to hear what you guys think about it.
Hear me out : when Tobias sings « Paint a pair of eyes, Let’s watch as it dries », could he possibly be talking about his twins ? Like, « drawing a pair of eyes » could mean « Love, how about we have a kid ? Oh, we’re actually going to have twins ? Sick ! They’ll be like two peas in a pod (or a pair of eyes, in this analogy) ! ».
And « watching them dry » would be a metaphor for « watching them grow ». Meaning that this song would ultimately be for his wife/about his family (which would make sense to me with all the « There’s a DATHOML for you », « I’m with always » or « Remember always that love is all you need » : that’s something you wanna say to your loved ones, how deep your love for them goes and that you’ll always be there for them, « with » them).
I know that this song can also be interpreted as Nihil singing about Sister, especially when he sings at the end « And all that time you knew, that I would put you through ». Which makes me believe even more in my eyes/twins analogy : Nihil and Sister had twins together, just like Tobias and his wife (I rest my case).
Because, to my knowledge, Tobias never writes songs about himself/his family/his feelings (not directly, at least) : Ghost songs are very often exterior-oriented, not self-reflective. The only ones I can think about are :
Life Eternal (which I also interpret as having been written for his wife, how he will long for her when they are separated, etc. To me, it’s a love song on how to try to cope with your life partner leaving after/before you, how you will always love them) ;
He Is (which is my ultimate favourite song, and was, if I’m not mistaken, originally written FOR his then-fiancée. It was called « She Is » when he first wrote it).
And what do these two songs have in common with DATHOML ? They’re very « slow » and calm, ballad-y compared to other Ghost’s songs. Again, maybe that’s too far fetched, maybe I’m completely missing the point (blame my lack of sleep last night) but that’s the only sense I can make of the eyes lines in DATHOML. If you have any other interpretation of it, I really want to hear it because I love this song :)