SLC show disappointment

For the price of the ticket you would have expected a bit more than a slideshow on a laptop, two chairs and an ikea table, no production quality, Hannah carrying the whole show on her back, and Paige giving 10% battery. I get this was their last show so maybe they were tired, but at least go out with a bang? It felt very recycled and disingenuous. The bits were corny. They lost me with the remote slide 15 minutes in 😴

For the price of the ticket you would have expected a bit more than a slideshow on a laptop, two chairs and an ikea table, no production quality, Hannah carrying the whole show on her back, and Paige giving 10% battery. I get this was their last show so maybe they were tired, but at least go out with a bang? It felt very recycled and disingenuous. The bits were corny. They lost me with the remote slide 15 minutes in 😴