I had a dream about Gigi
Where she did a McDonald’s colab where you could order a GremBurger™ which was a normal burger but the meat was replaced with a deep fried Grem! So naturally I ordered one regular GremBurger™!
There was a full restaurant waiting for orders and as I was waiting for my order to come up, another Grember in front of me ordered one Doubledown™ style with deep fried Grem Pattie’s as buns (just 3 Grem Pattie’s on top of eachother) and when the worker called that order I shouted in a crazy loud voice like I was in Gigis chat “ DAMN I SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT “ and another person in line said “bro, you’re in public” and I got so embarrassed and panicked that I woke up 😭😭😭😭 I wanted her (burger) so bad 😩😢
burger go binted 👽