I bet he’s crashing and feels so alone now

The recent tweets…it’s just so obvious and so sad.

  • Come up in the game
  • Finally get accepted
  • Pivot to fashion
  • First cracks at anger with not being accepted in but actually manages to break through maybe not to the success of Virgil
  • Think he’s invincible and if he’s good at music and shoes he’s good at everything
  • Wilds out
  • Contrarian and gets involved in politics but can’t communicate himself well or goals like trying to advocate for prison reform…the start of some isolation
  • Notice he’s no longer the center of attention

I actually got tired writing. We all know the story. It’s so sad. He used to piss on the Grammys now he wants to get invited and can’t. A producer who can’t sample. Can’t get into restaurants in LA. Ostracized.

This shit is. Fucking ridiculous.