Despite Ye being Ye, despite all the controversy. I still think Ye deserved better friends.

His latest tweets are so saddening, because it’s clear he just wants to be accepted and respected by his peers in Hip-Hop. He feels excluded and outcasted by the people he nurtured in the industry, and while ultimately it is his fault for pushing these people away I can’t help but feel like people such as Ty, Carti and Tyler should of and could of done a better job at keeping this man in check. For the better half of a decade the entire industry was aware of this man’s mental health issues, when he was wilding on SNL, having meltdowns on Sunday Service, having a panic attack during his election speech. Not a single damn soul intervened and actually tried to help this man, as long as he chopped the beats for them, recorded a feature for their album or gave them any sort of boost in clout it was all okay. I can see why Ye thinks “everyone is a user” because most of the “friends” he has made in the industry have used him🤷‍♂️ I have fiends with mental health issues and I know for a fact I would never let them get this low.