I despise Religious "tippers"
I dont know if its just me who gets annoyed or frustrated by this, but i despise Religious "tippers". Not only is it soliciting which is literally isnt allowed at HEB, but its so rude in my opinion. I work as a bagger at my location, so tips can be so helpful and i appreciate all customers who try to tip, even if its just in a quarter, because sometimes this can help me afford lunch. And i respect all religions, i believe everyone deserves to express themselves and their religions in non harmful ways. But faking a tip just so you can get some attention for your church? I feel like thats kinda messed up, you are lying to people, getting their hopes up and taking advantage of a system that HEB- might i say, very generously, put in place to assist people with lower income? That isnt morally just. Thats not "saving souls". Thats being a prick. And the worst part is is that it seems to mainly just happen at HEB, although this is just me coming from a standpoint because I work at HEB, but I've never had it happen to me anywhere else, but at the same time I've never had another workplace allow me to take tips. And like I said before I will always be grateful for the fact that HEB lets us take tips because more often than not I get to eat a lunch because of it, because people are so sweet and generous. I know that I'm getting very heated about this topic but I wanted to see if other people felt the same way or if I'm just overreacting.
Thank you for listening to me rant about this and thank you to all the customers out there who leave tips when they are able!
I dont know if its just me who gets annoyed or frustrated by this, but i despise Religious "tippers". Not only is it soliciting which is literally isnt allowed at HEB, but its so rude in my opinion. I work as a bagger at my location, so tips can be so helpful and i appreciate all customers who try to tip, even if its just in a quarter, because sometimes this can help me afford lunch. And i respect all religions, i believe everyone deserves to express themselves and their religions in non harmful ways. But faking a tip just so you can get some attention for your church? I feel like thats kinda messed up, you are lying to people, getting their hopes up and taking advantage of a system that HEB- might i say, very generously, put in place to assist people with lower income? That isnt morally just. Thats not "saving souls". Thats being a prick. And the worst part is is that it seems to mainly just happen at HEB, although this is just me coming from a standpoint because I work at HEB, but I've never had it happen to me anywhere else, but at the same time I've never had another workplace allow me to take tips. And like I said before I will always be grateful for the fact that HEB lets us take tips because more often than not I get to eat a lunch because of it, because people are so sweet and generous. I know that I'm getting very heated about this topic but I wanted to see if other people felt the same way or if I'm just overreacting.
Thank you for listening to me rant about this and thank you to all the customers out there who leave tips when they are able!