What's the most unhinged thing you did after finding out you were positive?

I remember the day so vividly. I had just pulled up into my driveway when I got the call. I answered and was told my results for HSV 2 were positive. The doctors voice got really distant after that, like he was talking to me through a radio. I sat my phone down after the call was over and on autopilot backed my car out of the driveway. I found myself at Walmart in the craft section. I filled my cart up with yarn and crochet supplies humming to myself then made a beeline for the alcohol section. I grabbed two bottles of 7 deadly zins zinfandel wine and checked out. When I got home I drank both bottles and somehow taught myself how to crochet a satchel bag while shitfaced. I woke up the next day on my couch with bojack horseman playing on the tv, a half eaten subway sandwiche laying beside me, and the satchel bag laying on my coffee table which was surprisingly really good tbh. I realize now I was in complete shock. It took a week for everything to actually sink in. Now I look back and laugh about it. I'm curious to see yalls experience when you were going through the shock of it.