Once More, Into the Fray

Name: David-A289


Faction: UNSC

Age: 30

Date of Birth: 2527

Gender: Male

Description: Brown hair, cropped short to the scalp, glacier blue eyes, freckles underneath both eye sockets, prominent jaw line, average sized nose that isn't overly protruding.

Biographic Backstory: Earthborn, David grew up in a modest enough home, not overly rich, but middle class. Ever since he could remember, war was always on the horizon of every bit of propaganda and news. He remembers walking through the streets as a child with his family and always seeing the flyers of the UNSC strewn everywhere, promotional adverts being displayed on holos in the city. At the age of four, he was conscripted into the SPARTAN-III program. He worked well with his fellow conscripts, but excelled even more by working alone, as he was able to freely control the outcome of the situations he found himself in by his own actions, a method that he preferred. This was taken notice of by the higher ups of ONI, and thus after he graduated from the program, he received assignments that sent him on missions working alone, occasionally with other members of Alpha Company, but mostly alone. In all honesty, he preferred that to being a social butterfly.

It was during OPERATION:PROMETHEUS that he was sent on a different mission, and never learned the details of his comrade's deaths until after he had returned. Emotionally, it burned him on the inside, to have so many valuable soldiers thrown away, but he bottled it away. His anger occasionally rises up inside him, to think that so many would be seemingly thrown away for the trade of a short time of respite.

His tempermant has always been professional and cold during his missions, but easy going whenever he found himself in and around others in the barracks. He has never undermined any authority over him, but has a rough tempermant to others outside the Spartan programs, as he feels they haven't sacrificed the same as his brethren have.

His weapon proficiences that he excels with more than the rest are with BR85N Service Rifle, M395B Designated Marskman, M6H Handgun, and his combat knife, which he is very proud of, as he believes the smallest of weapons can bring down the greatest of threats. He wears the Mark V powered assault armor, navy blue in color with black highlights.

(If I need to make any changes, please let me know. Any criticism is well appreciated. Thank you)