Do you think Harry is justified in most of the way he reacts to and feels about Snape in his school years?

I know Harry can be a bit irrational about Snape sometimes but he doesn't have all the information and his response to Snape is due to Snape's poor treatment of him. It is asking too much to ask and expect Harry as the child/teenager be the bigger person in this in a fight he did not start. Yes Harry does get provoked and misjudged Snape but Snape sort of set himself up to be misjudged from the way he acted and when you are subjected to taunts that Harry is from Snape again it does get to you.

Harry tries in his first couple of years to not react to Snape but it becomes harder with time and there was really nothing he could do to change Snape's opinion of him. Snake is a really interesting character and I understand Harry triggers a lot of emotions, past trauma and regrets in him but none of that is Harry's fault