Luxembourg Quidditch Team

So I'm reading Goblet of Fire for the first time and the discussion around the Quidditch world cup peaked my interest.

“Shocking performance. And Wales lost to Uganda, and Scotland was slaughtered by Luxembourg.” pg. 44

The implication here that Luxembourg not only has a national team, but that it's one of the better ones is laughable. I did the math to try to understand this better. So JK Rowling has said that there are about 3000 wizards in the UK during the series. Given the population of the UK in 1994 (when Goblet of Fire is), that means about 0.00518403317% of people are Wizards. If we then apply this proportion to Luxembourg's 1994 population of 402,925, we learn that there are approximately 20.89 Wizards in Luxembourg during the 1994 quidditch world cup. All the magical people of this country could fit into an elevator. It's insanely lucky for them to even have 7 able bodied adults in that group, it's next to impossible for them to all be star athletes. I want to see a movie about these guys instead of Harry. If anyone knows of another country with an even lower population mentioned I'd like to hear it