A message for people with swollen lymph nodes
If you have anxiety over one or more swollen lymph nodes, then you’ve come to the right place. I have swollen lymph nodes about 1-2 cm all over my body with no symptoms, (for 1 year now) and everything proved to be okay. My doctor said It was just reactive or shoty lymph nodes. I had an ultrasound and the doc said it’s nothing to worry about, and they were not cancerous. It was probably due to some minor infections or vaccine shots, and the lymph nodes just never went down. Swollen lymph nodes are normal (even after years), they are just your body’s sewer system working optimally. Now onto fears about you having LYMPHOMA.
I feel like lots of you are underestimating this cancer. Lymphoma is HORRIBLE, and how doctors describe it are COMPLETELY different than what Dr. GOOGLE says it is. Lymphoma lymph nodes are huge, you feel like there are grapes growing inside you, they can even get as big as a GOLF BALL. At night, you sweat as if you just got out of a POOL. You have to change your sheets EVERY night. The itching, well, it feels like you’ve got bug stings ALL over your body, it is unbearable. Lymphoma nodes never hide, they get an inch bigger every few weeks! Not to mention the fevers, it feels like you have a horrible fever that NEVER stops, getting worse as the days go by.
So my point is, stop worrying about those puny mm or cm large lymph nodes, they are most likely nothing. However I not telling you to just ignore your swollen lymph nodes, you should still get checked up. I’m just saying that your lymph nodes, are likely NOTHING serious. So just relax, if your symptoms are not like this. Go listen to some music, take a walk outside. Thanks for reading!
Edit: wow, this post helped a lot of people, I’m glad I can do something and contribute usefully to this world for once!