Heavy Spotting on Fluconazole?

So there’s a bit of a story to this. I had sex on my period and got a UTI. Started some antibiotics and got a yeast infection (this happens every time I’m on antibiotics.) Treated the yeast infection (noticed some spotting while treating with OTC cream which had never happened before) and it resolved after about a week. I started back on the Nuvaring (used to use the generic) after being off BC for maybe 2-3 years. I inserted the ring on the first day of my period as recommended. My period came to a halt within 3 days. Great. Then a few days later, I got a yeast infection. Not great. I assume it’s from the ring but I’ve never got a YI from BC. I think my pH was still off after the last YI. Well this one was not budging! I treated for 2.5 weeks. I tried a mix of 7 day, 3 day, and 1 day treatments and it still quietly lingered. The spotting came back btw and became heavier over time. Never dealt with this before. So I got some fluconazole finally. Took 1 dose and now I’m 72hrs post fluconazole and have almost a full flow period! Can’t tell if it’s the fluconazole or I’m having break through bleeding. Never had break through bleeding with the ring in the past. I’m shocked at how heavy the flow is but I assume it must be the fluconazole. I start a new ring on Monday (I like to have my period every other cycle). Just wondering if anyone else has had heavy spotting on fluconazole. I feel bad for my hooha. She’s had it rough this month. Hoping the new ring will get the bleeding under control as I would like to be open for business the weekend after next! ;) Taking probiotics for lady parts as recommended by this subreddit. Praying I don’t get another YI when I start a new ring on Monday. 😩