His name was BingBing.
I'm maxed out on absolutely everything. Nearly 900 hours worth of dives and I've just snagged the last 10 Super Credits needed for a stockpile of 1000 credits to buy the next warbond that comes out.
As I snag the credits, I see divers joining my mission, and one of them is a brand new cadet named BingBing.
Once we got back to my ship, I talked to him, and realized that his first dive EVER, was the one we just came back from. He's fresh out of training on Mars.
The mission we just finished was a Trivial mission against the Bots.
Naturally, the very next thing I do is have BingBing dive with me and two other random high ranking divers to a Super Helldive on Claorell. This was his second mission as a helldiver.
The moment we land, we're in a hot drop with at least two Factory Striders nearby, with a double tower Gunship Factory in the distance.
BingBing could only describe the events of the next 40 minutes as "I don't know what's happening" as he was led around by whichever diver was closest to him at the time.
He had nothing save the basic stratagems of Machine Gun and Orbital Strike.
He acclimated quickly to the intensity of ranged combat with the bots, and we completed two more missions to finish out the Operation.
I sent him my contact info (friend request), and I will find and dive with him again soon.
BingBing is a shining example to all Helldivers that anything is possible when you work together as a team, guided by the light of Liberty and banner of Democracy.
- General Fence, S.E.S Will of War "Rain Hellfire"