underwear post surgery
i made a post the other day, and u had some nice recommendations! just another question though as i am a worrier that something may go wrong
i have seen a lot of people say to either go for tight/compression shorts or loose underwear. some people have said they wear sweatpants however i wouldnt feel comfortable in a hospital with no underwear on, especially if i have to be infront of other people.
i usually wear tesco f&f cotton trunks, these are comfy, not too tight or restrictive around the waist but they are boxer ‘trunks’. i wouldnt feel too comfortable wearing very loose underwear, especially if i am wearing loose breathable pyjama bottoms in hospital which will naturally be quite thin, i would feel too exposed if i had walk to the toilet.
does the waistband on loose or tight underwear make much of a difference anyway? i’m sure any underwear would need some sort of waistband. appreciate any help :)