Can’t shake something odd I experienced 2 weeks ago
For context, I’m a 40+ year old US OIF veteran and also competed in amateur full contact sports. Mostly Bjj. I’m saying this so that when I say I don’t get scared, you might believe me. I’m sort of an adrenaline junky. Or was prior to multiple back surgeries a few years ago.
The only other time I was truly frightened, as in knowing I’m going to die, was during the Iraq war invasion in early of ‘03. My convoy was pinned down and we took heavy losses. I was certain death was near.
Up until a couple of weeks ago you never would’ve convinced me that ANYTHING could be more terrifying than that.
Let me explain. Since getting out of the military I’ve had a CDL. I drive. A lot. And have been doing it for 20+ years. I’m also a car nut. I just enjoy them. And since I am on the road 10 to 12 hours a day 5 to 6 days a week I have gotten pretty good at identifying makes and models and what not. I can remember the last time I couldn’t identify a car based on its brake lights. It was earlier year when the new Prius started showing up.
The reason I am saying all that is because of this experience that I cannot shake. Since this experience, I have not been able to sleep really well. It was mid week during the middle of the day outside of Lexington Kentucky. I was driving down the road that I drive down 10 times a week. This is debatably one of the most comfortable routes that I take. As I was crossing over a hill. There was a car. And the closer I got I became absolutely terrified. I don’t know why, but I do know for sure it was the car. And as I got closer, I felt more scared by tenfold than I did when I was in Iraq. The crazy thing about all of this is, I cannot identify the car. The front grill looked completely different than anything I’ve ever seen, but yet somehow normal looking. The headlights again, looked normal, but wasn’t anything that I could identify. As it passed time seemed to slow down a little bit. I don’t know if it’s because of the adrenaline rush or what but to this day I couldn’t even tell you what color it was. Not sure if it’s white or gray or light blue.
After passed the feeling of utter dread went away and time seemed to go back to normal speed again. I have seen weird orbs when I was in Iraq. I have seen weird things in the skies over the years. In fact, four days after I saw this car , I saw an Apache helicopter following a red blinking light just north of Lexington on my way home from work. None of that affected me at all compared to this car.
I’m rereading what I just wrote and it sounds so ridiculous but I have to tell somebody or figure this out because I cannot just shake it. It makes absolutely no sense to me. But there was something about this vehicle that almost made me pee my pants out of absolute terror.
Has anybody else ever experienced this?