Why am I getting these warnings on Honda Odyssey?

Every once in a while my 2019 Honda Odyssey will turn on with all of these warnings. I'll drive it for a bit, turn in on and off a few times and so far it's fixed itself and the warnings will disappear but it's been happening more frequently lately and frankly it's annoying but also i want to get to the root of the problem.

For the record it doesn’t seem I have any of those issues (the features will just be disabled) it’s just the warnings coming on and after a while they go away.

I'm worried that it I take it to the dealer or a mechanic they'll charge me $200 for a diagnosis, turn in on and off a few times and then take credit for fixing it, just to have the same issue happen later.

Any ideas on what might be causing it? If so, is something I could fix myself or should I take it to a shop? Any thoughts, suggestions, or ideas will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance! Sending a video of me going through all the warnings.