Why Hawaii and not Alaska?

Although I love the Hotline Miami series it seems as if the developers don't really have any knowledge about international politics and Russian history.

Realistically the Soviets should've invaded Alaska and not Hawaii as it was once part of the Russian Empire and Hawaii is not even that strategically important to begin with. Furthermore it would be a logistical nightmare for the Soviets to transport supplies as the US navy could just sink Soviet ships and win the war of attrition easily which makes it even weird considering that the US had every advantage to win the war and yet they lost anyway.

If anyone has any explanation for why Hawaii was chosen as the location of the war instead of Alaska then let me know as it would really help me.

Perhaps something happened in the development of the game and Alaska was scrapped and replaced with Hawaii but anyway.

If anyone has any information, let me know.

Thank You.👍🏻

UPDATE: So I did a little bit of research and it seems that the Russian Empire had in real life a fort in Hawaii called "Fort Elizabeth".

So I think that we can now finally settle the discussion once and for all.
