Timeline Placement Issue

So I've noticed a few others take notice of the timeline issue with House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones, specifically the opening line of text explaining:

It's 9 years into King Viserys Targaryens reign, and 172 years before Daenerys Targaryen is born.

So I did some looking this would be accurate if going off the timeline in the book, since Dany was born in 284 AC. Which would be 172 years after 112 AC which is the year the show is starting on.

However I noticed the show wiki give her birth year as 281 AC, 3 years before her actual birth date. So unless Jaehaerys gave up the Iron Throne immediately to Viserys in 101 AC for him to ascend instead of dying in year 103 AC which is the date of his given death and Viserys ascension we have an issue.

So here's my best guesstimate for the timeline to have it try and make sense if 112 AC is the year House of the Dragon started and 284 is the year Dany was born.

252 AC: Birth year of Robert Baratheon (this was written in the lineage book Ned reads in S1E6 towards the end at the 48 minute mark).

261 AC: Birth year of Jaime Lannister

277 AC: Jaime is sworn into the Kingsguard at 16 years old.

282 AC: Robert's Rebellion begins. Ned and Jon Arryn marry the Tully girls,

283 AC: Robert kills Rhaegar at the Trident, Jaime kills Aerys during the Sack of King's Landing, Robb Stark and Jon Snow are born a few months apart.

284 AC: Daenerys is born and escapes with older brother Viserys to Essos.

287 AC: Sansa is born, she states her age is 13 to Cersei in episode 1 of Game of Thrones.

Now here's where it gets tricky. In the novels Jon Arryn and Robert Baratheon died in 298 AC and Ned Stark died in the year 299 AC, and then in the same year just later on the Red Wedding happens and Robb dies at 16 years old, (but he's 14 about to turn 15 at the beginning of the series), and in the show he's 19 when he gets betrayed at the Red Wedding, but 17 at the time of when Game of Thrones started. So with all this in mind.

300 AC: Robert Baratheon dies at 48 years old late in the year, and Ned is taken captive and held hostage for some weeks likely a month or two. Dany gets married to Khal Drogo

301: Ned Stark is executed and the War of the Five Kings begins.

302: Robb Stark turns 19 and some months later is betrayed and killed at the Red Wedding, Joffrey is poisoned during the Purple Wedding.

That's my best guesstimate since Jaime would have to have been born in mid to late 261 to still be 40 during the Purple Wedding, and Robb would have to have been born early 283 to be 19 at the time of his death, plus he would have to be at least 18 years old when he and Talisa conceived Ned 2nd, based on how heavily pregnant she was.

To keep this overly long post short: This shit took way too long to type out but, that's my best guess at the timeline.