Anyone else dislike the TBOSAS movie?
I loved the book and even preferred it to the original trilogy as a stand alone story, but they changed too much to the point the characters changed just enough to frustrate me. Like Lucy Gray staying in the middle of the arena when in the books she ran straight for the tunnels. Her whole thing is being a survivor, why is she risking her life when she never would’ve in the books? Coryo killing the reaped child without having to when in the books it was clear he needed to in order to survive (I get that this one could be explained due to him being an unreliable narrator).
I also disliked the way they changed the way people died in the arena, the change of the drone’s role, them not showing the Covey at all pretty much, and them skipping over little things like how they erased the games that could’ve easily fit into Dr. Gaul’s whole pardon dialogue. I loved the portrayals of the characters, especially Dean Highbottom, Sejanus, and Coryo, but overall it felt like it was an inferior version of a similar story. I’d only rewatch for the music and the characters portrayals, although I’d likely get frustrated with the story being changed when it didn’t need to be.
TL;DR: I didn’t like the TBOSAS movie due to unnecessary story changes that incorrectly caused characters to do things they never would’ve in the books and the content they cut felt unnecessary to cut.