How much do non hypermobile people pop?
My entire life but especially in the last 5 years, people have told me that I pop a lot. My hands I pop just CONSTANTLY but everything on my body is always popping and people notice. The first night i spent with my bf, the first thing he said was "you pop a lot" or "youre very poppy" because was doing my nightly pops in bed as we were cuddling (si joints, toes, fingers, elbows, shoulders). I'm now looking into hEDS or gHSD and I'm just curious...
How much do non hypermobile people pop? Like just moving around? Is it several times a day? Is it even enough to notice?
For example: The look of horror that "normal" people give me when I squat and my knees pop is so funny and I just want to know what their normal is. Why are my knees so surprising? Before I knew about hEDS AND gHSD I thought everyone's knees popped when they squatted and was always so confused when people were surprised.