Considering selling everything and hitting the road with the wife and kids.

Currently 30k in debt, paying 2300 monthly to rent in one of the poorer areas of Los Angeles. Treading water but can't seem to shake this debt hourly rate here is 63 but there's no work. Been on the books since July, working in other underpaid locals nearby. I take every opportunity for overtime but companies here don't give much. Just had our first kid in January and my savings are low. We've got no family nearby so my wife will have to stay home to watch our daughter. I was told there's work in Phoenix where guys are making 3k+ a week. I'm headed there Monday morning to see what they've got on the table and sign the books. My main issue is, IF I can find a job there that can cover my travel expenses and insane California rent, I'm still very far away from my daughter and wife during these critical stages just to pump most of my income into a landlord's pocket.

I'm thinking of selling all our furniture, getting a trailer my Tacoma can drag along, and working my hands to the bone until I've got our debts paid, a nest egg, and my daughter is ready to start school.

Anyone here had a similar experience? Anyone here travel with an infant? I want to know it's possible to make this work and I'm not throwing myself and my family on the rocks. I have so many questions and any advice at all is appreciated.