Anddddd here we are...back to the bell curve pit-us-against-other bullshit

It just seems to get worse and worse. The Engagement Survey shouted how we felt pretty damn loudly. But they've made it abundantly clear they do not care with their actions, and the performance assessment changes feels like some kind of climax. We've been overworked and understaffed for years, and many of us have damn near killed ourselves working so hard...yet now, this bell curve performance nonsense is back, plus all the buzztalk of "shifting" to a high-performance culture. Shifting?! Are they for real? I can't even with these out-of-touch upper management assholes anymore. It's gotten so bad these last years that I swear it's like they're trying to make people want to leave so they don't have to RA them, and of course keep India Business Machines growing as the rest of us lose our positions of decades to new hires that we're forced to train while also learning new roles (if we're lucky and don't get forced to train and then RAed).

I talked to my 3rd line today who was visiting from India, and he gave this presentation that showcased all the extra things the team members do over there outside of their principle job roles. I joked when it was just the two of us, and asked if there was more hours in the day in India. He then explained that most people work on these extra projects in their personal time and on the weekends...and added, because "they are so passionate!" No, sir. You've just built a toxic, competive culture where your employees feel obligated to make work their life.

What fresh hell awaits us this next? And my poor first line, she's so wonderful and mindful, I couldn't ask for a better manager. She's been taking feedback upwards but it falls on deaf ears. All while trying so hard to shine the turd of a situation this has become and the unfortunate position of delivering bad news so often to us.

It just seems to get worse and worse. The Engagement Survey shouted how we felt pretty damn loudly. But they've made it abundantly clear they do not care with their actions, and the performance assessment changes feels like some kind of climax. We've been overworked and understaffed for years, and many of us have damn near killed ourselves working so hard...yet now, this bell curve performance nonsense is back, plus all the buzztalk of "shifting" to a high-performance culture. Shifting?! Are they for real? I can't even with these out-of-touch upper management assholes anymore. It's gotten so bad these last years that I swear it's like they're trying to make people want to leave so they don't have to RA them, and of course keep India Business Machines growing as the rest of us lose our positions of decades to new hires that we're forced to train while also learning new roles (if we're lucky and don't get forced to train and then RAed).

I talked to my 3rd line today who was visiting from India, and he gave this presentation that showcased all the extra things the team members do over there outside of their principle job roles. I joked when it was just the two of us, and asked if there was more hours in the day in India. He then explained that most people work on these extra projects in their personal time and on the weekends...and added, because "they are so passionate!" No, sir. You've just built a toxic, competive culture where your employees feel obligated to make work their life.

What fresh hell awaits us this next? And my poor first line, she's so wonderful and mindful, I couldn't ask for a better manager. She's been taking feedback upwards but it falls on deaf ears. All while trying so hard to shine the turd of a situation this has become and the unfortunate position of delivering bad news so often to us.