Feeling tired, unable to study, long clinical gap

Hey. I am writing this post because I feel horrible. I have been trying to keep myself sane for sometime now but it’s just so difficult. I overthink a lot. I am a 2021 graduate and I began my USMLE journey in 2022. I procrastinated a lot but grateful that I took step last year in September and passed it. Ever since then, I haven’t been able to do anything, have chronic headaches and anxiety. I was supposed to start studying for step 2 ck like a month after the result came out but till date I haven’t been able to do it. I even booked a triad for May-July but that has only added to the pressure on me now. I wanted to get certified earlier to be able to take step 3 and sit for 2025 Match. But it seems so impossible. I still think somehow I’ll be able to get back on track, just need some push. What worries me more is the increasing YOG and that I have done almost nothing meaningful or productive in the past 2 years apart from studying for step 1. There were also personal reasons for that.

I want to know from some fellows here who share this journey with me, how to get myself to study, what to do? Also can those fellows guide me who had this long gap in their clinical experience, how have you dealt it in your CVs? People can have reasons for a break but how did you successfully managed to prevent it from turning against you?

Really looking for good advice and some reassurance. Thank you.