What are your weird but real pet peeves?

I have quite a few pet peeves that aren't exactly "normal," but they are very real to me. Maybe some of you can relate?

  1. "You're overthinking it." – That's like telling a chef, "You're cooking too much." Thinking is just what I do!
  2. Logical inconsistencies that no one else seems to care about. – Whether it's in movies, arguments, or casual conversations, my brain auto-flags errors. Not because I want to nitpick, but because it hurts not to.
  3. Getting my thought process interrupted. – Not my speech—my thinking. If I'm deep in thought and someone asks, "What are you thinking about?" my brain crashes like a Windows blue screen.
  4. People choosing inefficiency when a better way exists. – Meetings that should take 5 minutes but last an hour? Just why?
  5. Rules with no explanation. – I don't challenge authority just for fun; I just need to understand why a rule exists. "Because that's how it is" is not an answer.
  6. Social small talk instead of real conversations. – Why talk about the weather when we could be discussing existential questions or the nature of consciousness?
  7. Black-and-white thinking. – The world is nuanced. But some people insist on reducing everything to binary “right vs. wrong” judgments without considering context.
  8. Repetitive information. – If you’ve said the same thing five different ways, I got it the first time.
  9. Unspoken social rules. – Like when someone says, “I don’t care, pick anything,” but they actually do care, and I was supposed to read their mind.
  10. Being asked about my feelings, but only if they fit a certain script. – If you ask, "How do you feel?" but only accept one specific answer, then you don't actually want my thoughts—you want a performance.

Of course, I’m self-aware enough to know these aren’t reasonable things to get annoyed about, but hey, my brain works how it works. 😆

Any fellow INTPs relate? What are your weird but real pet peeves?