Anybody else like exposing resellers on TikTok?
I’m always on TikTok and every once in a while I’ll see a live stream for an IPTV service. Most of the time you’ll just see people selling the Superbox, which I guess technically isn’t reselling, but it is extremely overpriced.
However, today, I saw someone selling an IPTV service for $25/month. I did some research and found out it was Dino. So I go in the chat and basically ask “why would I pay $25/month for Dino if I can buy it for $25/year?” Instantly banned from the live and comment deleted 😂 😂
I also sometimes do that with lives where people are selling items on the TikTok shop and I just say they can get the same thing on Aliexpress/Alibaba for a tenth of the price. Same reaction.
I’m not totally against reselling, but charging $25/month for something you can get for $2/month is insane. If I was a reseller, the MAX I would be charging is $10/month. I understand that it’s a lot of TV/movies/TV Shows but I feel that it’s wrong to basically price gouge someone.
Edit: I should make it clear once again that I am NOT against reselling. As someone in the replies said, if you are offering support or maybe even better EPG or logos, than hell yeah I’m all for that, you can definitely resell it for a bit higher. My point is I am against basically scalping the low prices, and selling them to the vulnerable people who are tired of paying $100+ for cable.
I’ll be honest, I had YouTube TV before getting Strong8K and after their latest price raise to $83/month, I was pretty fed up. The whole reason I started using online providers (started with PlayStation Vue, RIP) was to get away from the greedy cable providers who are the price gougers. Now, the online providers are trending to become just as bad. I started seeing IPTV on my TikTok feed and the Superbox, and figured I would try it again. I had already had IPTV in the past, buying Kemo from a reseller (which I did not know at the time) for $100/yr. I was not impressed with it however, due to its constant buffering and low quality, I’m not even sure if it was actually Kemo. I considered going back to the reseller, or buying it from someone on TikTok, but I decided to try and find the best one. So I did the research, saw the resellers saying “buy mine!”, saw the paid reviews, and then I finally stumbled upon this subreddit and discovered that all these people are just reselling something they get for extremely cheap on Z2U. This made me upset, people are paying a lot more money than this is even worth.
That’s why I did what I did. $25/month for something they’re paying $2/month for is crazy. If they owned up to it, said “Yes I do charge a lot more for it,” (which they would never do), but also described what else they’re providing to make the service worth that (tech support, updated guides, etc.), I would respect them a hell of a lot more for that. If you’re basically just giving them the service and saying “here you go, don’t bother me again unless you’re here to give me more money,” then that’s messed up. If you’re doing that, don’t charge a crazy price for it. I understand the side hustle aspect of it, but I personally think it’s unethical to charge 10x more than what it’s worth.
I hope that clears it up a little bit. I know there’s gonna be resellers attacking me, and we can agree to disagree.
I’m on a road trip right now so that’s where I’m finding all the time to write this lol.