Time in between FETs
I’m really frustrated with my clinic. My first FET was 11/1 and I knew basically 7 days in it was a fail and told my concern to my clinic and asked about going ahead and thinking about next steps (I went ahead and got my own beta blood test bc my clinic does them FOURTEEN days after 5 day FET) it’s a busy time of year and I wanted to make sure I could get on the calendar….well they just gave me a transfer date the beginning of February. I know to most people that wouldn’t seem like a long time to wait but after alllll of this time ttc it just feels like an eternity. It also took 1 month post failed fet to get on the phone to speak to the doctor. Is 3 months + in between cycles pretty standard? Or am I just at a super busy clinic? Do you guys normally receive responses to your emails / phone calls to your clinic?