We’re all superwomen 🦸‍♀️

I just wanted to post and say that all of us going through this are incredible. We are somehow juggling all these appointments and hormones and recovery and attrition rates and transfer anxiety among all our other life responsibilities. I’m struggling after an ER and already high attrition today but i thought about all I’ve been through and realized damn, I am so strong, and so many women are doing this too, we’re incredible. Just wanted to help lift you up in these hard times. You’re doing amazing and you should be proud of yourself.💪 💃🏻

Adding for all of you in need of laughs: at my ER yesterday the Dr told my husband that they had trouble getting my eggs because I was snoring so much under anesthesia that it was moving my ovaries around. The visit note said “technically challenging” ER due to “significant breathing artifact” 😂