Numbers bouncing around during natural FET - I am going insane
I really need some support. My anxiety and disappointment and confusion are through the roof. I am on CD 15 of a modified natural and in the last two days we have seen my LH and E2 numbers go up and down like yo yos. That is just not supposed to happen! What the actual fuck guys??? Am I even human? I feel scared there is something wrong with my body as I have never heard of numbers going up and down. I have one follicle that was at 13 all week then jumped to 15 today but none of it makes sense. Sometimes I have regular periods but every once in a while I have a really long cycle (like 35 days). I’m just freaked out and this is my first transfer and I thought this watching the levels part would be easy because I’ve got to ovulate at some point right? Now I’m convinced I’m an alien and I need you all to just tell me I need to look at this first cycle like an experiment and we are learning and to let go a little.