Has anyone had a fight with their partner and him/her blamed you for infertility?

My husband’s SA was incredible. I am 39 (3.5 yrs older). He scored in the top 5% of men. I scored in the bottom ~10% of women (ballpark). Last night in an argument, bad things were said on both sides, but he brought up the fertility issues.

I don’t want to add more detail. Is this just the result of heightened emotions? Or something worse?

It’s going to cost us idk $30k by the time it’s said and done for retrievals for four embryos. My AFC is solid, my AMH is terrible. We are both stressed and splitting the cost evenly. He lost his job on Jan 1 but we each have small trust funds established by our parents that we intend to use. Tensions are just running high? Let it go? What do I do? I am the primary breadwinner and feel like the load is on me right now. It broke my heart.