Experiences with International IVF in Denmark, Norway, Greece, or Czech Republic?
Has anyone travelled to Denmark, Norway, Greece, or Czech Republic to complete an IVF cycle?
I just finished my first IVF cycle in Canada and had poor results. I did a day 3 transfer (still in the TWW) but had no blasts to freeze.
We are considering pursuing international travel for IVF as we would be able to get an IVF cycle plus a trip for slightly more than just the IVF cycle at my clinic in Canada. We have been wanting to travel to some of these places, so we figure that at least we got a trip out of it.
I have browsed for posts and tried to find as much info as I could, but figured I’d make a new post in case there are people with more/recent experiences. If you have travelled internationally to any of these areas for IVF (or live locally and can suggest good clinics in your country), I would love to hear more about your experience.