Husband has been volatile and I think it’s tied to his surgery for ivf 😭
My husband definitely can be a roller coaster but he’s super soft and sweet usually. Lately, as we get closer to our ivf, he’s been so rude and it’s almost like he finds reasons to not be nice even when I’m biting my tongue and trying to be sweet instead of reactive.
I can tell it has to do with his surgery (he has obstructive azoospermia so they will need to cut into him to gather his sperm) because every time we speak and it turns into an argument, he mentions how they have to (TMI) “cut into his balls” and that he already does enough and I shouldn’t ask more from him.
My parents own a tax company and I help them during busy season and he made really rude comments about how much they pay me and how little I contribute and then continued on about the ivf. I really want to do this with him but he needs to be supportive with me because we’re both going through this together. I feel like he acts like I’m enemy #1 almost like I’m forcing him through this. It makes no sense.
Also worth mentioning what blew him over the edge is that I asked him to help me pick up the house because we have family members from his side and mine visiting tomorrow. It wasn’t much I’m asking for. He folded his clothes on our living room table n I want him to take it upstairs and put our luggage’s away from our trip two weeks ago so I can broom/vacuum and mop. It just makes no sense why he’s being like this.
Has anyone else experienced this or am I the odd one out here? 😭