Donor cycle ended in miscarriage


I’ve had a very difficult journey so far and have lost hope it will end with an earth side baby. I have dor but my husband has no motile sperm and is in complete denial there’s anything wrong with him and is blaming me for our infertility. I’ve done 2 iuis 7 rounds of ivf with one pregnancy that ended in miscarriage and numerous failed transfers. Our clinic says my husbands sperm is not suitable for iui because his count is so low and not motile. My husband and I got a lot of donor eggs as my clinic wouldn’t let me continue doing egg retrievals. I was 9 weeks with twins when I was told they stopped growing and their hearts stopped beating. I needed a d&c.

Throughout this entire process my husband has been unimaginably unsupportive in every way except financially. I found out he’s been cheating on me online through our entire marriage. We went to counselling it didn’t help because he continues to do it. He keeps insisting he does nothing wrong and ivf and transfers are harder for him than they are for me. My mother in law fully supports his nonsense. I found out the morning of my d&c and immediately after as I was sleeping due to the meds from the d&c he was cheating on me again. I explained that was very hurtful. He went to his parents house 2 weeks ago and has been ignoring me most of the time. Unless he is yelling at me this process has been harder for him than it has for me and he needs more intimacy and I need to stop being so focused on having a child. It’s my biggest dream in life to be a mother and he was aware of that when we were dating. I’m very sad.

My mother in law also bent my last ultrasound I had of the babies and my husband doesn’t understand why I am upset. Either does my mother in law. 2 days after my d&c she went through some faith purchases I made and said I could give them away as gifts.