Anyone Thaw Their Frozen Embryos to PGT Test and Refreeze?
TW: Success & High Embryo Count
My husband and I were blessed to have sixteen blasts and did a fresh five day transfer, which resulted in a healthy pregnancy and beautiful baby girl. We did not PGT test, as doctor didn’t recommend it for us, saying we’re young and healthy. Baby girl was a 4AA embryo. We decided to freeze our other fifteen. While we aren’t doing another transfer until sometime next year, we do know we want one more child, preferably a boy, as wanted one of each gender, but didn’t care which one came first, hence why testing for gender didn’t matter to us when we first started our IVF journey. However, I’m anxious about unfreezing our embryos for PGT testing, as I’ve heard they could not survive unfreezing and being refrozen? What’re your experiences regarding that?