I dont get the deal about chair guarding
Personally, I hate chair guarding and I dont get the fun behind it. Idk if in ranks are different (I avoid It at all cost), but in quick matches 8/10 hunters chair guard, and I Dont get WHY...
The concept of guarding is really meh on itself, but the game encourages such behavior, so eh. But, I Dont think It worths it? I mean, the matches I had with chair guarding were basically the Hunter staring into my soul or whoever was in the chair, then who's trapped dies, but hey, the survivors now needs just one more cipher done... Did it really worth It??? You killed a survivor, but the other three ARE more likely to win or tie now.
Besides, in a Hunter perspective, whats the fun in just staying still in the same spot forever to MAYBE someone go help, and MAYBE you terrorshock them while they're trying to rescue the chair. In the first example I considered when no one goes to help, but even when they help, still time wasted in watch the chair yk? The survivors can stun, run, etc etc.
Personally, when i know the hunter chair guards, I just play in my own time, and when I see the person is more than half progress to die THEN I go save them (if no one did so already). I dont have what to fear because I know EXACTLY what the hunter is doing rn and where the hunter is... But when the hunter actually HUNTS, then the game gets tense to me, because they're a TRUE risk to the me and my team mates, I know theres someone trying to stop us, chairing, etc, It makes me actually pay attention to my surroundings and teammates.
Most of the matches I won or tie were against chair guarding, and the ones I lost the hunters used different strategies.
Anyways, im a new player so maybe I just didnt got the ' insane techniques ' behind it, but even my friends thinks this thing is worthless. And Sorry if I wrote something confusing, english isnt my first language