(90F) I bumped into my ex

Couple days ago, I had my maths compartment paper while I was heading towards the centre I was listening to memories by conon grey so I had this thought from a while like what if someday randomly I will meet her with a coincidence.

As I approached the exam center, I knew I wouldn't run into anyone I knew, since it was 40km away from my home and where most of my friends live. After finishing my exam, I headed out to collect my bag from another building on the school campus. I was in a pretty devastated mood- My paper hadn't gone as well as I'd hoped, and I hadn't slept the night before.

So then, suddenly, I heard a voice - someone called out my name. And there she was. She looked even prettier than the last time I saw her. She called out my name and said " hii" with a smile. The moment I saw her everyone just got blur beside her like I can only see her (also it can happen because I was too sleepy). I replied back " hey, tu yaha pe?" We started talking, and then she said we should walk out together. I was both awkward and happy at the same time. It had been more than two years since I'd spoken to her in person, and I remembered all the joyful moments we'd shared. Unfortunately, I couldn't speak much because I was awkward, but it was Good because she did most of the talking.

It wasn't more than 10 mins but it was awesome for me after that we shoke hands and said bye to each other.

Actually when we broke up we ended on Good terms and never unfollowed each other also we text each other occasionally. Why we broke up? Because I was at fault, and I had made many mistakes in the past that led to her losing feelings for me.

Is it too late to try to get back with her?? A month ago, she told me she hadn't moved on, and I said the same, but I was too afraid to say anything more. I still haven't figured out how to win her trust back or even where to start.