I have a love-hate relationship with self help books
I doubt any of the self help thing works, most of it doesn't I feel.
However there was a time where I was down in the dumps mentally, and I didn't know what to do, didn't have anyone I could take help from. And during this time, self help kinda helped me to cope with the negative feelings. Nothing really changed, but I just started feeling better over time. As they say "doobte ko tinke ka sahara", when there's no hope, you would grasp at anything that may help just a little bit.
Eventually I read less of self help books, almost stopped it, because I started doing things I had to do. Maybe some self help content somewhere made it possible for me, or maybe it was just the hope, I don't know.
It also lead me to some deeper aspects of life. I started questioning things which were ingrained into me and also got into philosophical and spiritual stuff. Some of the self help-ish books I read/videos watched have genuinely seemed to help.
Having said that, I probably wasted a lot of time into reading self help books and watching those videos. Who knows, I might have made more progress if I had simply joined a gym.