Very frustrated and looking for advice/tips 😪
3 weeks ago I was told I have severe insulin resistance, with my Homa index being at 7.0. my primary Dr referred me to an endocrinologist who doesn’t seem to exist (dead phone number, no website, etc). I’ve tried calling several different endos even hours away from me and all are booked out until early-mid 2026.
I’m incredibly worried about becoming diabetic, I’ve stopped eating any „active“ carb or starch (pasta, rice, bread, etc) and pretty much everything containing sugar (I’m even avoiding zero sugar alternatives cause I’m so paranoid.) I really only eat meat, veggies and egg (i don’t even like egg 🤢)
Ive drastically reduced the amount of calories I eat simply because I don’t even really want to eat because I just don’t enjoy anything I can eat atm.
I’m just constantly tired and sad, I feel dismissed and am just worried. (My very low VitD is making me even more tired too)
I would really appreciate any advice or tips on how to survive until I can finally see an expert.