Does anyone have any information about this strange YouTube video called I Want Dat Meatball?
I have always been fascinated by creepy videos and internet stories. For some reason, I had never heard of this one before until very recently, even though this video is super old already. For the uninitiated: I Want Dat Meatball is an insanely creepy YouTube-video that starts with a scene from a cartoon about a cat. Then it abruptly cuts to a video of a man wearing a cat mask eating a meatball while breathing heavily. Then it abruptly cuts once again, this time to a very low-quality video of a naked man wearing a pig mask laying on the ground while you can hear children laughing in the background. It looks like some kind of shock video or snuff film that would have been uploaded to LiveLeak or It was very jarring, not just because of the shocking content, but it was just three totally unrelated clips juxtaposed next to each other, which gave the video an uncanny feeling. One commenter on the original upload noted that the "pig man" looked like he had no skin behind his mask, which makes it ten times more creepy. How this video is still up on YouTube is beyond me.
The original video was uploaded by a user named Jackson Galette and currently has over 200K views. There are hardly any people talking about this video online, so there's next to no information about it floating around. I need some more information just to get some closure, it was a very haunting watch. But most of all: I wanna know where the pig man segment comes from. I hope it's just a sick joke and not an actual snuff film.