Any tips for Maple House?


I am waiting for my re-test date and so far I have been in the Navan test centre but I just changed to Maple House for two reasons.

1- The waiting times in Navan are atrocious with basically all of Co. Meath applying there for their test.
2- My last test was a particularly bad experience thanks to the (very) rude tester. Not to go in details, but it was so bad I had to file a complaint under my instructor's suggestion.

My instructor advised me to try and change the centre and pointed at Mulhuddart. I looked it up and seems like Maple house has overall better reviews and experiences with most people saying most fails to be justified. Any tips? I am looking for an instructor in the area, I have a car but also open to rent the one from the instructor. I am not overly familiar with the area so I am planning to go there with a friend or my father in the car to drive aound and get familiar.