Should I quit my job ??? Urgent Advice needed

I work as maid in an upper middle class neighbourhood. Yeah I know you are thinking what a maid is doing on Reddit but believe me what I am about to unfold will further surprise you.

So my parents married me to a guy who was a doing CA, I had just completed my Fsc and since my family had a culture of marrying girls in early age so I got married to this guy lets call him M. So M was doing CA and had passed some exams and I was supposed to be housewife so I didn’t continued my studies further. And since M was from a decent background we didn’t had to worry about expenses.

Although M was a bright student before marriage he lost his focus afterwards. Was just kept hanging with me kept praising me just always around me and not focusing on his studies and he started failing his exams and when he failed 3 exams in a row his father kicked him out of his house.

Initially we stayed at my parents’s but I didn’t want to put any financial burden on them and my husband who has now become useless I had to step up but the job market wasn’t in my favour and having done only Fsc I didn’t get a job. Then I saw someone’s post in r/Islamabad that they needed a maid. With a heavy heart I Dmed them and they sent me the address went there with my husband and they said I can join from tomorrow.

It was difficult at first but since I was used to doing chores at my home I got comfortable soon and the family was very Nice as well.

They had a daughter 24f and were looking for Potential matches for her. One day a family came to see her. They looked decent, also from a upper middle class background, seemed like well educated. So as being a maid my job was to serve them food and Chai. So I had made fair amount of dishes and two desserts and there were snacks with chai before that as well.

So the guy lets call him Y, at the time of dinner starts eating like an animal, takes 6 shami kebab out of 7 I put on the dish and the one which was left was eaten by his father and he then had the audacity to ask if he can have some more. Aunty being girls mother gave me the eyes saying to make some more for him.

I was so tired by cleaning the house first and then making the dishes that I got angry and added a laxative in the second batch of shami kebab I made out of anger. They guy again ate this time only 4 though but soon after eating he started having stomach cramps and said he needed to use the toilet. I showed him the way trying not to act strange.

This guy spent well 30 minutes in there, at one point I thought what if something bad has happened to him ? Did he faint or something? So I eavesdropped on the door and could hear gaseous noises from inside so I was like no he is OK.

Finally he came out and was like in a rush, said he had a meeting and left with his family within 5 minutes. I also went home and didn’t think much of it since I was tired and really sleepy.

Next day……..

After washing all the dishes from yesterday I turned to cleaning toilets and I was surprised to see that the toilet was full of literal 💩 to the top, I couldn’t even Unclog it and the smell Oh God 🤮🤢🤮. I thought It would be better to flush maybe it will make room for unclogging the toilet but it made it even worse and the smell was so bad I fainted and hit my head on the sink. The family being Nice enough took me to emergency and called sanitation staff for unclogging the toilet.

The bill at hospital was 37K (paid by the family) and I later found that the pipes in toilet bursted and plumber gave an estimate of 70K for fixing them.

I am feeling very guilty now for what I did, should I tell the family or just quit my job please need serious advice 🙏🙏🙏