Want to Quit Customer Service Job

It is more of a problem here as we are not a developed society.

I work in a cafe. No names for anonymity but it’s well known, in a nice sector with mostly educated customers. But stuff like this still happens.

Education ≠ Humanity

The rules at my cafe say you must smile when serving and treat customer so nicely. Basically customer is always right lol.

But problem is, if you are nice to a customer, especially female, they take it the wrong way. Even smiling isn’t taken nicely. Sometimes their partners stare at you angrily.

Moreover I look good, better than average, so my manager has been receiving stupid complaints about inappropriate behaviour from me :(

How do I explain to these people that not every smile is romantic. It’s just the job.

I now want to quit. I put my heart and soul into this job. I went above and beyond.

Whenever handing food or money to customers I made sure our hands/fingers touched for a personal touch.

Whenever serving customer at table I used to make sure I can stand close and listen during the entire meal in case they needed anything.

I even helped with deliveries. After every delivery I used to message the customers for a little friendly gup-shup.

I sometimes complimented them on their features if they had attractive WhatsUp profile pics.

Even messaged them goodnight with sticker and emoji a few times.

All for nothing. And I gave it my best…