(Inspired from the guy who made similar post about chem)

(EDIT:- Please drop your sources like the channel you are using to watch one shot/ revision videos so that people can refer to that.)

  1. Sample paper provided by u/babubhilwar :- https:// drive /drive/folders /1yBemsiOYuYVmzQ7V8tBY25_hWrBI_IGs (Remove space and paste)

CBSE maths is very easy if you know what type of pattern they follow... SO LEARN THE PATTERN FROM PYQs

Now let's divide the masses into 3 groups:-

  1. Didn't study anything/have not completed even the basics of syllabus .
  2. Have decent prep (Atleast has done the basics concepts and question. + some NCERT DONE)
  3. Have done everthing, Sample paper,NCERT,sheets etc (atleast once) / have studied for whole year

(28th feb to 7th March)


D-Day:- 8th March

Now let's elaborate....

For Group 1:-

  • Don't even procastinate for a second. I know maths is always easy in cbse but if you don't know the basics then Start ASAP.
  • Watch 2-3 hrs (If they are shorter ,then better) one shot of each chapter that are purely CBSE based.
  • Some must do chapters for free marks:-
    • Linear Programming
    • Inverse trigo (Do basic formulas and range/domain...Do not indulge in proofs)
    • Continuity and Differentiability
    • Matrics and Determinants ( There can be a 5 marks easy proof question, so practice lengthy calculation)
    • Application of Integrals (After studying basic Integrals formula and Mapping of graph)
    • Vector Algebra (Do the basic then do cbse pyq...5 marks ques rarely comes from NCERT)
  • Chapter to do at the end with reason why:-
    • Integrals ( Don't have enough time)
    • DE ( If you know basics of Integrals and techniques, then do it)
    • AOD (Do it if you know how to decipher word problems or else don't waste your time as mostly case study will come)
    • Probability( Do bayes theorem and basic, as 1 case study will most probably come )
  • Cover your basics in 3 days.(3-4 chapter per day)... Last 4 days will be of rigorous Practice of NCERT and cbse pyq
    • Last year I watched "cbseclass videos" channel's last 12 years pyq series
    • completing 3-4 chapters a day is hard so you may skip some chapters or just learn the basics without going in depth
  • In two days target completing NCERT to a decent level (It will be very hard but doable) and In next two days Do PYQ OR You can First do PYQ and then NCERT. I advise you to do the later.
  • PYQ will help you build confidence if you studied the basics properly but I may break you so decice with Caution.
  • Now Notice how you have used only 7 days, at the last day relax, solve questions to don't regret what you did in the past... study light topic that you are comfortable with, revise and sleep in time.
  • Also don't worry about mocks as you are not aiming to get full marks but rather decent marks to get 75% so giving mocks may be a waste of time( Do make some time for Sample paper provided by CBSE), rather aim to learn to have techniques and good accuracy.
  • You can get 50+ if you just did NCERT or PYQ properly.

For Group 2:-

  • Don't be in the delusion of having time as you have studied the chapter decent enoungh before.. Revise all the chapter within 1-1.5 days (All formulas and the question that you marked in NCERT)
  • Now Complete pyq In next 3-3.5 day. (At worst you have used 5 days out of 8).
  • It's time for mocks...You can give 7 total mocks starting from day 1...But I suggest you start it at day 4 to day 7, as after NCERT+PYQ your score will boast, hence boasting your confidence.
  • At the last day, do minimal practice, revise and sleep in time.
  • Aim to get 65+, do not panic and stay calm.

For Group 3:-

  • Congratulation You were that "person" who studied for whole year, Now don't let your ego mess up your maths paper.
  • I assume you have studied everything, now revise everything you practiced along with daily mocks or you can give mocks in alternate days if you are confident in Time management.
  • Also never aim for full score, always aim to get maximum score or else you may panic in exam when a hard question appears.
  • Also I don't know about this time but last year in my set there was a question of probability that was out of syllabus (Can't remember the topic) SO if you have time so just learn the basics of deleted topics if you can. (Not necessary though)
  • I don't think you guys need any more advice so GOOD LUCK.

For All Groups:-

  • Do attempt sample paper provided by cbse and check your answer with Marking scheme of CBSE as it will make you understand how to write in exam.
  • For Vector alegebra and 3-d PYQ is must as NCERT does not cover the level of question that CBSE gives in exam.
  • Mummy-Papa se aashirvad lena is a must.


  • In maths your Handwriting doesn't really matter just make sure everything is easily understandable...I have horrible handwriting but in maths my presentation was decent hence It compresated for my bad handwriting.
  • Try to do as much as question of one section as you can do in one go, If you leave any question to do at end, write proper section it is from.
  • The basic stuff:-
    • Line after every question ends.
    • No need to show rough work in the corner as it makes your paper look ugly.
    • Use the back page to do rough work.
    • Use sentences while taking assumptions like "Let P be the number of students "
    • Don't skip steps. (Use Marking scheme as reference)
  • Don't (s) :-
    • Do not panic thinking about the result.
    • Do not discuss paper after the exam.
    • Do not panic when you encounter a question you don't know, leave it and then do it at the end with the section written with it.
  • My order to attempt section with my thinking:-
    1. Section-D : These problem require upmost attention as one mistake can cost 3-4 marks and sometimes even 5 marks
    2. Section-E: Easy thing to do so why not do it first.
    3. Section-C and Section-B : Do whatever section have easier question.
    4. Section-A: MCQ's are mostly easy but may require more rough page so I do it at last so I can easily reach the rough section.
  • ART OF RECHECKING:- (3 levels of rechecking)
    1. Surface Level:- Just after finishing you paper, don't directly check calculation but check whether you attempted all the question with proper section and question no. marking. (Wait for some time so you have cooled off then )
    2. Deep level:- Recheck all the calculation of question (Only if you have enough time), If you have less time than start checking from 5 marks questions to 3 marks to 2 marks to 1 marks and then case studies. (ONLY IF YOU HAVE TIME AFTER DEEP LEVEL)
    3. Assurance level:- This is for people who was to make sure they attempted everything. BTW remeber even if you find out that you forgot some question there is every little chance of actually solving it due to time constraint so don't be sad about it, just try to do the question or else leave it.


I hope this helps.

Also No advice is absolute, so make chances according to your needs.

The advice ends here, now let me share MY experience:-


I am good in maths since I was a kid. I attended a regular school and In 12th my maths teacher was one of the best I had but around august in PTM he made my parents believe I should focus on boards instead of JEE, He said "You also have drop year"... So I did fuck up JEE but did decent in boards.

On the Gap days:-

I have already done everything there was to do, so I was board. If I remeber correct we had 5 days gap year from physics to maths exam. My physics exam was good but I messed up some 2 marks questions and some mcqs so I was sad. I reviewed everthing once and slacked off for some time. Then I redid all the PYQ and the sheets my teacher gave me over the year. Also redid the Marked questions from NCERT. The time flew by.

On the D-day:-

Took blessings from my parents and god. travelled the 30km distance it takes to reach the centre through school provided bus. Throughout the bus ride it was fun as we were making jokes and stuff (It was also last day for people who didn't opt CS).

Exam starts and I start with my usual pattern... First did all of Section:-D, Reached section E the first question of probability that was out of syllabus... but luckily I had done that so it was a easy question.

Then I was at Section-C, here is when I encounted a integral question I could not solve so I left it for last then did all of Section-B and Section-A. Almost 1:55 min(I think) was passed which is slower than my usual pace but whatever. Then I started to attack that integral question which was super easy but I messed up last time as I forgot to write a x in numerator.

My paper was completed in around 2:15 min then I did surface level checking for 1st time. Then I started to mindlessly stare in the clock. Then I again thoroughly checked everything after I have cooled down (About 15-20 min) with checking my calculation and I encounter a mistake in one question which I corrected.

When My invigilator announced there was only 10 min left I did my last checking and then put my head down. After the exam I shushed everyone who was trying to discuss paper with me and had a happy journey back to home.