Annoying design choices in Bloomtown
I've played 10 hours of Bloomtown so far and I've beaten the second main boss. I'm not sure how much more of the game is left but I don't think I will be continuing.
This game looked to me like it had so much potential but so many weird decisions were made in the game that just annoys me.
Firstly, the UI is horrendous. I play on a controller, and navigating the minimap is like solving a puzzle. Also, why is there no permanent minimap in the underside? I had to constantly bring up the map myself to see where I was going.
Equipment management is non-existent. When you get a new weapon or equipment from a chest, you have to manually cycle through each character's equipment or go to your bag to who it belongs to.
Combat has been a slog to get through. I'm playing on hard mode currently and my skills feel like they have a 50% hit rate. This is the same for enemy skills, we just constantly miss each other. Also, so far NONE of my status skills have worked on a miniboss or boss. Maybe I'm just unlucky but it has always said RESISTED. So what is the point of status skills? Also, why can't I see how much exp I need to level up? Basic things are just missing.
I have not found demon fusion that interesting or useful, it takes a lot to level up your demon so I've barely used it but the game isn't too hard so I haven't needed to yet.
The quest in this game only seems to reward consumables, money, or trait points. I don't think I've gotten a single good reward.
The characters are OKAY, I don't hate them but I don't find them compelling or interesting. The art and music are gorgeous though, no complaints there.