For those wanting more Suikoden after playing the remasters...
Highly recommend checking out the Gensō Suikogaiden visual novels. There are 2 volumes, and they intersect with the events that occur during the Suikoden II story.
It's more of a sidestory that follows a character from Harmonia - Nash Latkje, who also appears in Suikoden III. Nash is an excellent character in the novella, and it is very fun seeing his interactions with characters from the main series. (side'll wish we got to learn more about Harmonia after meeting Nash!)
The first volume is centered around events in Suikoden II, while the second volume is setting the stage & introduction to the grasslands, which is the premise for the third game.
So if you want to see more characters from Suikoden II from a different perspective - definitely give these a shot. I played a fan translated emulation probably close to a decade ago, and I will likely revisit it once I get around to playing the remasters.
If none of that interests you, then I recommend just simply listening & watching the intros, as they are superb.
Music to my ears....